IP Addresses: IPV4 and IPV6
IP Address:
IP Address, in easy language, can be defined as the virtual address or the address of our device on the internet. Our device whether it is an iPad,iPhone, PC, or any other device has a unique IP address allocated for it so that it can be identified on a huge network or on a very small scale network. Packets moving in a network are guided and received through these IP addresses and hence we get our data received at our point.
Till now, we have two versions of IP Address i.e., IPV4 and IPV6.
Internet Protocol Version 4 was introduced in 1983 by ARPANET, which is the most earlier version of the IP Addressing system. It is based on a 32-bit Addressing format which uses only numerical values. The IP address of this category covers most internet traffic.
After some time, there came a need for an insufficient number of IPs available for different organizations, then IPV6 was introduced to overcome this shortage.
Internet Protocol Version 6, which was introduced in 1994, is a 128-bit addressing system. It is the most recent version of which is being used in machines for IP addressing. In addition to numbers, it also uses alphabets for IP addresses which makes it more capable to allocate more IP addresses.