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Wireshark : Noobie Filters

3 min readJan 21, 2022


In this Blog, I’m gonna list out some basic filters related to Wireshark to boost the filtering process, but they are not limited to this only, I will be adding more to it, in coming time.

First lets capture some packets in my wireshark

I think this much traffic is enough for us to analyse. So let’s start

We can list out packets from a specific address via this command in the display filter panel -> ip.addr=*ip*

and same we can done with the following argument like ip.src/ip.dst==*ip*

We can also display traffic from subnet within the network via adding the corresponding digits of that subnet like: ip.addr==*ip/subnet*

NOTE : if we want to remove a specific ip from the results, we can just simply put ! mark against the filter, like !ip.src=*ip*

We can also filter the results via the protocols and show the packets that are only following these protocols

we can simply type names of these protocols in the filter panel (e.g. dns, http, QUIC)

NOTE — QUIC It is a newly introduced protocol developed by Google in 2012, used in transport layer to ensure very low latency during transmission. This can help to establish a strong connection in VoIP technologies.

We can also filter the requests that are from http protocol via just typing http.request

Also we can find the specific packet in which the user has visited the specific website like I visited which is my college website😂

At last but not the least we can also filter out the file types in the packets via the command

frame contains “(attachment |jpg | pdf)”

Wireshark is a very powerful tool and so is its potential. It has a lot more functionalities and so are the filters. These are the most basic ones.

Hope you like my Post.

Have A Great Day!!

Thankyou for reading!!




Written by Yashkatara

CS Engineering Student | CyberSecurity

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